Prayer Team Ministry at limited Masses
...only at Saint Katharine Drexel Parish
Members of our Saint Katharine Drexel Parish Prayer Team are available on a limited basis after Mass in the front areas of each church near the Baptismal Font to pray with anyone who wishes.
There will also be a small box nearby where you may fill out and deposit prayer requests.
The Prayer Team can also be contacted at the email address and phone number below, if you wish to offer prayer requests in that way.
Please keep in mind those who may not be able to email us and who need prayers. Ask their permission to give the Prayer Team their phone number,
and we will contact them to pray with them over the phone.
⇒ Please contact us by emailing [email protected]
or leave a voicemail with your phone number or email address at
724-209-1370 (ext. 412).